Membership & Donations

Membership in Eternal Life-Hemshech begins at $36 annually.

In addition to membership, we also gratefully accept donations to the Atlanta Memorial Fund of Eternal Life-Hemshech, Inc. The Atlanta Memorial Fund is an endowment that benefits Holocaust education, providing scholarships, educational materials, and sponsorships for Holocaust remembrance and educational events.

Annual Membership

  1. Complete the Annual Membership form: Eternal Life-Hemshech Membership – PDF
  2. Save and email completed form to -OR- print and mail to: Eternal Life-Hemshech,  205 Northland Ridge Trail, Atlanta, GA 30342
  3. Make your membership donation by check (payable to Eternal Life-Hemshech) mailed to the address above -OR- securely online by credit card via PayPal below (a PayPal account is not required).

Select Annual Membership Donation Amount:

Atlanta Memorial Fund Donations: In Honor or In Memory

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Phone (required)

    Mailing Address (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Zip Code (required)

    This Donation Is:

    For In Honor/In Memory Donations, Provide Honoree's Name: